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Site Guard Gate - Clad

Construction site vehicle access gate - profiled v mesh clad double leaf gates come fit with dig-in posts. Our temporary vehicle gates are painted black (RAL 9005) as standard and are most commonly used as part of a temporary or semi-permanent fencing system, to help control & secure access to site. These temporary vehicle gates has a slide latch to allow for safe locking & increase site security. There are also two drop bolts to secure the gates in place one open or closed.
As low as € 999,46 € 1.209,35
In stock

Quickest Available Delivery: Quickest Available Delivery: 5 Day Delivery Final shipping costs and times are calculated at checkout. Shipping address may affect available delivery methods & times.


The Double Leaf Mesh-clad site vehicle gate is used extensively as a means to secure site entrances during construction and demolition projects. The mesh clad option ensures good visibility at the site entrance/exit helping to improve safety with construction traffic. These temporary vehicle gates are used as part of temporary timber hoarding fencing systems and alongside steel hoarding systems such as our steel site hoarding panels and in-ground Steel Wall hoarding. 

Product and Finish Standards

  • Framework and posts painted black over bare steel
  • Gate set includes two dig in type posts, pad-lockable slide latch, two drop-bolts and 4no adjustable hinges.

Product Specification

Height 2400mm
Gate Frame Manufactured using 40 x 40mm square hollow section 
Gate Post Sizes 120 x 120 x 3000mm
Mesh Type 200 x 50mm

HERMEQ stock a wide-range of V Mesh Perimeter Fencing, Vehicle Access Gates, Permanent Fencing & Temporary Fencing conforming to all required safety specifications and regulations.

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