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Tree Protection Fencing – Timber Posts


Our Timber Posts Tree Protection Fencing option is an easy to install and cost effective way to safely secure a perimeter for trees in your area. It uses eco-friendly Timber Square Posts to support and attach to our Temporary Mesh Fencing Panels.

Simply input the length of the Tree Protection Fencing and height of the Timber Square Posts you require for your project and our calculator will provide a pricing and component breakdown for you instantly.

€ 64,29 € 77,15
€ 77,22 € 93,44

Timber Post Tree Protection fencing requires posts to be dug into the ground which requires additional manual labour compared to our Gaas & Stabiliser and Scaffold Tube options. It is a sturdy, cost effective and a simple system to deploy although requires manual labour to dig and install timber posts into the ground.

Our Timber Post Tree Protection Fencing is made up of the following components:

  • Anti-Climb Gaas Mesh Fence Panel – 3.5m wide and 2.0m tall round top corner fencing panels. These fence panels are excellent for temporarily securing a perimeter being lightweight, portable and cheap.
  • Standard Clips – also known as Couplers, these steel clips will secure your fencing panels together to provide outstanding support.
  • Postcrete – rapid setting postcrete which requires no mixing for your Timber Square Posts which are set into the ground.
  • Timber Square Posts (100m x 100mm) – sturdy wood posts which are connected to your temporary mesh fencing panels to provide outstanding support with the accompanying fence clips.

Please note, if you are installing corners on your Tree Protection Fencing perimeter – an additional 10ft tube may be required. This will be priced on application once the site layout has been confirmed and signed off. Speak to our Sales team today, if you require any clarity on this.


Tree Protection Fencing is essential for effectively preserving trees on your site. Many activities and operations can cause severe damage to trees such as exposure of wood tissue, crushing of roots, damage to roots through excavations and chemical spillages. 

This type of protection fencing is crucial when working in the vicinity of trees and hedges – fencing lines must be erected where the integrity of these trees are being compromised. This boundary creates a safe exclusion zone around the tree or to prevent an accidental collision with the protected tree.

Tree Protection Fencing is carried out in accordance with BS5837 (Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction) which is in place for all local authorities to consider the protection of trees potentially in danger due to work developments on-site. Trees and surrounding areas that must be protected in the area will be specified in the Tree Protection Plan which must be in place before any work takes place on-site. 

Tree Protection Fencing must protect the entirety of the tree – including the root system, trunk, bark, branches, tissue and surrounding soil from damage, compaction and contamination.


Installation, Buy Back & Site Clearance

We provide On-Site Installation, Site Clearance and Buy Back on ALL materials and for your Tree Protection project in accordance with BS 5837. Contact our team via phone 0121 725 2338, email or use our live chat feature between 8:00am & 17:00pm for assistance.


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